Born 1953
Lives and works in West Abington, Pennsylvania, USA
1977 Columbia University, New York, MFA
1975 Austin College, Sherman, Texas, BA
2024 Spanierman Modern, New York, All One Thing
2020 Spanierman Modern, New York, Chroma Consciousness
2018 Spanierman Modern, New York, Call and Response
2017 The Curator Gallery, New York, Places To Be
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Efforts of Affection - A Decade of Painting
2016 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, Recent Paintings
2015 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Manifest
2013 David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, Slave to Love
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Terraplane
2012 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, Recent Paintings
2010 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Brooks Run to the Ocean...
Morpeth Contemporary Gallery, Hopewell, NJ, Paintings
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Dallas, Vibrolux
2007 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, World At Large
2006 Test Pattern Gallery, Scranton, Echo Systems
2004 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Terra Sutra
2002 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, As What Is
2001 Mahady Contemporary Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, The Belin Project
Gremillion Gallery, Austin, Andalucia
2000 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Notes From Toscana
1999 AFA Gallery, Scranton, Recent Paintings
1997 Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Figure Paintings
1995 Kings College, Wilkes Barre, Paintings
1994 Roxx Gallery, Baltimore, Paintings
1992 Amdur Gallery, Austin, Recent Paintings
1986 Waterfront Studio, Brooklyn, Collages
1978 P.S. 1, Long Island City, Monks & Crows, studio installation
1977 Columbia University Campus Sites, New York, 3 Outdoor Situations
2024 Dimmitt Contemporary Art, Houston, Elemental Things: Steven Alexander & Laura Duerwald
2022 Lockwood Gallery, Kingston, NY, Color: The Primary Material - Steven Alexander & Grace Bakst Wapner
2019 Spanierman Modern, Miami, Color, Pattern, Texture, Shape: Steven Alexander, Louise P. Sloan, & Heidi Spector
2016 ICON Contemporary, Brunswick, ME, Laura Duerwald & Steven Alexander
2014 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, Steven Alexander, Barbara Grad, Logan Grider
2013 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, Steven Alexander, Logan Grider, Robert Reed
2011 Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, Steven Alexander & Taro Suzuki: Paintings
2025 Spanierman Modern, New York, Art On Paper
2024 Dimmitt Contemporary Art, Austin, Surgence
San Francisco Art Fair, K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco
Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME, Summer Group Show
Art On Paper New York 2024, Spanierman Modern, New York
2023 Spanierman Modern, New York, Artistry and Alchemical Process
Spanierman Modern, New York, On View
Art Cake, Brooklyn, On Balance: New Work by American Abstract Artists (Curated by Mary Birmingham)
2022 Art On Paper New York 2022, Spanierman Modern, New York
Seattle Art Fair 2022, Spanierman Modern, New York
K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco, Living In Color
Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME, Summer Group
Herron School of Art + Design, Indianapolis, Digital: AAA Prints 2012-2019
2021 Art On Paper New York 2021, Spanierman Modern, New York
Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT, Digital: AAA Prints 2012-2019
Poimena Gallery, Tasmania, Australia, Orbit (Curated by Paul Snell)
Four Seasons Downtown, New York, Seasons In Art (Curated by Melissa Twomey)
Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME, Summer Group
2020 Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami, Summer Selections
Art On Paper New York 2020, Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami
Kenise Barnes Fine Art, Larchmont, NY, 2020 Vision
Spanierman Modern, Miami, Abstract Allegories
GCC Arte Contemporaneo, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, Gran Inauguracion
Transmitter Gallery, Brooklyn, Digital: AAA Prints 2012-2019
2019 Galerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Small World
Texas Contemporary 2019, Houston, Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami
Seattle Art Fair, Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami
Art On Paper New York 2019, Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami
Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME, Flux
2018 Art Miami, Spanierman Modern, New York/Miami
Kathryn Markel Fine Art, New York, Shaping
Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton, Think Pink II
Spanierman Modern, Miami, Inaugural Group
Seattle Art Fair, Spanierman Modern, New York
Art On Paper New York 2018, Spanierman Modern, New York
Galerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Juxtaposition
Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME, 2018 Season Opener
The Curator Gallery, New York, Louder Than Bombs (Curated by Douglas Witmer)
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary, Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton/Miami
2017 Art Palm Beach, Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton/Miami
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary, Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton/Miami
2016 The Curator Gallery, New York, Artists of the Year
Glassell Gallery, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Painting Color (Curated by Susan Bonfils)
Art Concept: Miami, Baker Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton/Miami
Shirley Fiterman Art Center, New York, Chromatic Space (Curated by Jonathan Lippincott)
Boeckercontemporary, Heidelberg, Germany, Fiction (Curated by Jeffrey Cortland Jones)
Divisible, Dayton, OH, Louder Than Bombs (Curated by Douglas Witmer)
1285 Avenue of the Americas Gallery, New York, The Onward of Art (Curated by Karen Wilkin)
Abrons Arts Center, New York, Visible Histories (Curated by Max Weintraub)
David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, Selections
Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, Sideshow Nation IV - Thru the Rabbit Hole
2015 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, SummerSet
The Curator Gallery, New York, Some Assembly Required (Curated by Mark Wethli)
Dallas Art Fair, David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe
Art Wynwood/Miami, David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York
Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paperazzi 4
Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, Sideshow Nation III: Circle the Wagons
2014 Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, To Leo, A Tribute from the American Abstract Artists
David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, Holiday Group Show
David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, SummerSet 2014
Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paperazzi 3
Art Wynwood/Miami, David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe
Dallas Art Fair, David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe
Art Miami, David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe
2013 Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paperazzi 2
2012 David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, SummerSet 2012
Gremillion & Co Fine Art, Houston, 20 Artists
Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paperazzi
2011 David Findlay Jr Fine Art, New York, SummerSet
Crane Arts Center, Philadelphia, American Abstract Artists: Abstraction∞
McKenzie Fine Art, New York, Plane Speaking
Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paper 2011
R&F Gallery, Kingston, NY, Conversations
2010 Salao de Artes, Galeria Murilo Castro, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, As You Like It - Part II
Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, Paper Works
David Richard Contemporary, Santa Fe, Op, Pop & Geo Again
Gallery OneTwentyEight, New York, Geometric Themes and Variations
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Works On Paper
2009 Denise Bibro Platform, New York, Blogpix (Curated by Joanne Mattera)
Gallery OneTwentyEight, New York, Geometrics II (Curated by Gloria Klein)
Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, Project Room
Pocket Utopia, Brooklyn, 246 Editions
2007 SACI Gallery, Florence, Italy, Invitational
2006 Scope/Miami, Heidi Cho Gallery, New York
Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, summer group
2004 Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, summer group
2003 Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, Forty
2001 Institute for International Education, New York, invitational
1999 Gremillion Gallery, Austin, Inaugural Exhibition
1998 Everhart Museum, Scranton, Art X 12
1996 The Painting Center, New York, National Juried Show
1994 Takasaki Art Center College, Takasaki, Japan, Strength In Diversity
1993 Inman Gallery, Houston, Small Works Invitational
1992 Janus Gallery, Santa Fe, gallery group
D-Art Visual Arts Center, Dallas, 1992 Critic's Choice
1991 Sena Galleries, Santa Fe, Summer Invitational
1990 Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, Austin Annual
1989 Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, Austin Annual
1975 Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, Tarrant County Annual
1974 Oklahoma Art Museum, Oklahoma City, Eight State Biennial
Art Museum of South Texas, Port Arthur, Five State Annual
2022 Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship
2015 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
2014 American Abstract Artists, New York, Elected Member
2013 Liberty Mutual Building, Boston, Commission
2012 Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Austin, Commission
2010 Marywood University, Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Discipline Field
2009 Studio Art Centers International, Florence, Artist-In-Residence
2008 Hines Building, New York, Commission
MD Anderson Medical Center, Houston, Commission
2002 Mercedes Benz Corporation, USA, Commission
2000 Belin Foundation Grant for Painting
1984 P.S. 122, New York, Studio Residency
1977-78 P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, Studio Residency
Ballinglen Museum of Art, Ireland
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Burns & Levinson, Boston
Charlesbank Capital Partners, Boston
Compaq Computer, Houston
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Austin
Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Goodwin Procter, Santa Monica
Hines Interests, New York
Liberty Mutual, Boston
Loomis Sayles & Company, Boston
MD Anderson Medical Center, Houston
Mercedes Benz Corporation, USA
Mintz Levin, New York
Moffett Nathanson Research, New York
Mountain View College, Dallas
Nautic Partners, Providence
Preferred Capitol, Tahoe City
Orion, Houston
Trammell Crow, Dallas
United Airlines, Houston
United Airlines, Newark
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
And numerous private collections worldwide
2016 STEVEN ALEXANDER: PAINTINGS, Interview by Vered Lieb, 48 pages, 24 color plates, hardcover, published by David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York
2013 MORMAÇO: Poems of Lêdo Ivo, Paintings by Steven Alexander, 224 pages, 42 color plates, published by Contra Capa Livraria LTDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2013 STEVEN ALEXANDER: TERRAPLANE, Essay by Eric Holzman, 48 pages, 24 color plates, published by Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston
2010 STEVEN ALEXANDER: BROOKS RUN TO THE OCEAN..., Essay by Kate Beck, 28 pages, 18 color plates, published by Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston
2007 STEVEN ALEXANDER: WORLD AT LARGE, Essay by Lilly Wei, 20 pages, 15 color plates, published by Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY, "Spanierman Modern Presents an Exhibition of Works by Steven Alexander", January 30, 2024, "Spanierman Modern's Artistry and Alchemical Process", October 26, 2023
Birmingham, Mary, On Balance: New Work by American Abstract Artists, exhibition catalog, American Abstract Artists, New York, 2023
Kullen, Kathleen, "Color Is the Essence", Culture Catch, July, 29, 2022
Woods, Lynn, "Color: The Primary Material", Hudson Valley One, July 15, 2022
Artspace Editors, "Lewis Miller - The Art for Home Interview", ARTSPACE, October 28, 2021
Mattera, Joanne, "Balm and Spark", Joanne Mattera Art Blog, January 24, 2017
Westfall, Stephen, "What Parachute is Your Color?", Painting Color, exhibition catalog, College of Art & Design, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 2016
Lieb, Vered, "Unexpected Resonances: an interview with Steven Alexander", Steven Alexander: Paintings, David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York, 2016
Wilkin, Karen, The Onward of Art: American Abstract Artists 80th Anniversary Exhibition, exhibition catalog, American Abstract Artists, New York, 2016
Wethli, Mark, "Steven Alexander", Some Assembly Required, exhibition catalog, The Curator Gallery, New York, 2015
Strasnick, Stephanie, "Steven Alexander, Logan Grider, Robert Reed", ARTnews, October 2013
Holzman, Eric, "Terraplane: The Paintings of Steven Alexander", Steven Alexander: Terraplane, exhibition catalog, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, 2013
Mattera, Joanne, "Building Geometry: Steven Alexander, Warren Isensee, Chris Johanson, Christian Maychack", Joanne Mattera Art Blog, October 10, 2012
Frank, Peter, "Steven Alexander: Presence", Steven Alexander: Recent Paintings, exhibition catalog, David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York City, 2012
Rooney, Ashley E., 100 Artists of the Mid-Atlantic, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2011
Robinson, Walter, "Weekend Update", Magazine, January 10, 2011
Mattera, Joanne, "It's A Plane! (Part 2 of 3)", Joanne Mattera Art Blog, January 19, 2011
Beck, Kate, "The Paintings of Steven Alexander", Steven Alexander: Brooks Run to the Ocean..., exhibition catalog, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, 2010
Mattera, Joanne, "What I Saw This Summer, Part 4: Studio Visit with Pam Farrell and Steven Alexander", Joanne Mattera Art Blog, September 3, 2009
Beck, Kate, "Color as it Happens: Steven Alexander and Willy Bo Richardson", Kate Beck Art Notes online, August 10, 2009
Rywalt, Chris, "GeoMetrics II" , NYC Art online, March 25, 2009
Mattera, Joanne, "Awash in Color: Roy G. Biv and Friends", Joanne Mattera Art Blog, May 28, 2008
Wei, Lilly, "Color, Actually",Steven Alexander: World At Large, exhibition catalog, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston, 2007
Forart, "Steven Alexander at Test Pattern", Electric City Renaissance, online review, June 2006
Barnes, Michael, "Alexander's Andalucia", Austin American Statesman, May 12, 2001
1992 Critic's Choice, exhibition catalog, D-Art Visual Arts Center, Dallas 1992
Levy, Rebecca, "The Artst's Eye", Austin Chronicle, October 25, 1991
Whittaker, Michael, "That's Pretty Great", Austin Chronicle, September 15, 1989
Palmer, Robert, "The Pop Life", The New York Times, June 23, 1982
Shore, Michael, "How Does It Look? How Does It Sound?", ARTnews, November 1980
Rockwell, John, "Model Citizens", The New York Times, September 11, 1979
2008-23 STEVEN ALEXANDER JOURNAL - Selected reviews, notes and observations regarding contemporary art and culture, published online at
2023 "Marcia Hafif", Past/Present: American Abstract Artist Members Honor their Predecessors, American Abstract Artists Journal Volume 6, New York
2013 "James Perry: Constructing Space", catalog essay for the exhibition James Perry: Recent Sculpture, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston
2012 "Gonçalo Ivo: Monumental Acts of Devotion", essay translated to Portuguese and French for the monograph Gonçalo Ivo: Oratório, published by Contra Cappa Livraria LTDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2011 "Theodoros Stamos: Mapping Infinity and More", catalog essay, 499 Park Avenue Gallery, New York
2010 "The Paintings of Gonçalo Ivo", catalog essay for Gonçalo Ivo: Paintings and Objects exhibition catalog, translated to Portuguese and published by Multiart Gallery, Fortaleza, Brazil
2010 "New York School Redux", catalog essay for New York School Redux exhibition, 499 Park Avenue Gallery, New York
2009 "The Altered Landscape", catalog essay for The Altered Landscape exhibition, 499 Park Avenue Gallery, New York
2009 "CrossCurrents: Ann Pachner and Emily Cheng", catalog essay for CrossCurrents exhibition, 499 Park Avenue Gallery, New York
2007 "Gary Komarin's Zone of Continuity", catalog essay for Gary Komarin: Mexican Thoughts exhibition catalog, published by Gail Severn Gallery, Sun Valley
2001 "Painting, With the Figure", catalog essay for Five Figure Painters exhibition catalog, published by AFA Gallery, Scranton
2000 Curator and essayist for NATURE: Contemporary Art & the Natural World, exhibition brochure published by Contemporary Gallery, Marywood University, including works by Per Kirkeby, Eugene Leroy, Maya Lin, Judy Pfaff, Milton Resnick, Susan Rothenberg, Joan Snyder, Pat Steir, Don Van Vleit, Terry Winters
1997 Curator and catalog essayist for The Poetic Object: Paintings of Rebecca Purdum, exhibition catalog published by Contemporary Gallery, Marywood University
1976 Edited and designed ROOMS P.S.1, catalog for the inaugural "Rooms" exhibition at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, published by the Institute for Art and Urban Resources, New York
2019 Artist Panel, Color, Pattern, Texture, Shape, Spanierman Modern, Miami
2016 Gallery Talk, Recent Paintings, David Findlay Jr Gallery, New York
2015 Visiting Artist at Bowdoin College
2005 Visiting Professor at Studio Art Centers International, Florence
2003 Visiting Artist at Parsons the New School for Design
1999 Visiting Professor at Studio Art Centers International, Florence
1995-2020 Professor of Visual Arts, Marywood University